Saturday, February 2, 2008

We're Recording Right Now!

Dan here,

We're back at it this morning after a brief hiatus. (The WGA was threatening to picket my house if we didn't come to an agreement with them before the next show. Oh, thanks Dave Letterman for the assist in making negotiations flow smoothly. The fruit basket is in the mail.)

This episode will cover some of the goings-on across the state since we last got a chance to rant, as well as our usual tech, media, and book integration recommendations. I'll yap about Steven Johnson's Everything Bad is Good for You (his blog is here)and PBS' Frontline, while Jeff will sling Debatepedia and Chinswing at ya along with FrictionTV . And we'll tangle with the philosophical question of competition in the classroom.

And here's the links for the 'Did Ya See' articles. (MLR meetings, disadvantaged student funding, UMF Masters, TeLL participation.)

Today's show will be recording using a Snowball mic on loan from one of Jeff's fabuloso colleagues. Our listeners may not notice any difference in quality, but dang ain't that thing pretty to look at.

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